”Wahine Toa was devised to give young woman victims of sexual abuse aged 12 to 17 an opportunity to heal, develop self-confidence, meet inspirational female role models (who have often also been the victims of abuse in the past). Via these women the girls learn many things including self defence, self-esteem, anger management, sexual health, the cycle of grief and safe relationships in a safe and caring environment. The girls learn that they are not ‘alone’.
Lauren has been an intricate part of our Wahine Toa team for almost 17 years. She is loved by us all. She has been an absolute inspiration to these young women – they see her and know that they too, can overcome their pasts and become heroes in their own stories. The following is a comment from a couple of our girls who say it better than I can even try to convey
“Lauren’s story was really powerful her story was something to live for, I learned that no matter how bad the decisions you make or the lifestyle you live you will get there she is my idol, everyone should hear her story”.
“When Lauren came and told us about her life’s story and how it affected her for me it was the best session because it touched me as soon as she started talking I was in tears but I love how resilient she was and the way she, she bounced back, it taught me that no matter how shit your life is you can change it”.
I would encourage every woman, young or old to hear Lauren speak, she will change people’s lives. She will inspire and give hope that life can be wonderful even if it throws you some pretty bad stuff. Lauren epitomises what it is to overcome adversity to be strong, successful and inspirational ‘Wahine Toa’.
”Thanks, Lauren, for being our prizegiving speaker. The students, staff and whanau feedback included words like: inspiring, relevant, future focussed, hope, down to earth, accessible, honest, . Your gentle but strong words spoke of the importance of dreams and goals, and your personal anecdotes told of the resilience necessary for success in life, whatever path is chosen - how positive and negative experiences can be turned into positive motivation, approach to life so appropriate and important for our students.
Nga mihi nui."
”Lauren recently presented a keynote address at the 'Building Bridges' Conference, 2003 (the biennial NZ mental health services conference).
Lauren's address will be remembered long after much of the rest of the conference is forgotten; for its poignancy, its honesty as well as its humour.
A dynamic and creative speaker, Lauren managed to bring to life an important and oft-overlooked topic with her unique infusion of real-life experience, empirical data and fastidious preparation. This was an experience not to be missed!"
” I listened to your speech today at Woodford House prize giving ceremony and I was mightily impressed. It was probably one of the finest prize giving speeches I have heard and I have heard many.
I have read your book, as have a number of my family, and I think it is an inspirational story and one I am pleased you are retelling so people understand your message that your life is in your own hands and you personally have control of your own destiny and achievements.
I felt compelled to write because I was so impressed with your message to the young women of Woodford House. I feel sure they will be inspired and draw strength from your story for the rest of their lives".
”While reading both of Lauren’s books some years ago I was able to relate to Lauren in ways I hadn’t been able to with others. I was on a self destructive path when I first heard Lauren speak about her life. I was 16, at an event in Hawkes Bay.
Seeing her stand up in a room full of people and tell her story with strength, courage, and raw honesty inspired me greatly. This was someone who had suffered through severe trauma, but she was alive, thriving, determined, smiling, able to laugh and connect with people - things I thought would never be possible for me.
I held on tight to that inspiration for years. Thinking about it everyday, it played a very important part in my journey and recovery. More than ten years later, I’ve heard Lauren speak at different events where I am continuously inspired by her courageousness. I have been extremely grateful to have stood with her as a leader and inspiration two young girls who have been victims of childhood trauma."
”What an inspiring story and a wonderful woman."
”If you want boring same old, same old then don't bother to contact Lauren, if on the other hand you are after an extraordinary life changing story that will inspire you, look no further than Lauren.”
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